Monday 6 February 2017

TV Advertisement Evaluation
Embed your PPt book of responses

People said that are work had a lot of good camera movements and some people also like the close-ups that we had. Another thing that people liked was the end shot with the close-up of "BRUT". The thing that people said we could improve was the music and have the people in the advert to actually use the product. Some people said that they would prefer to see some other people talk about how the product helps them, just so there is more variation.

For this assignment we had to make a television advert to re-brand a Unilever product to gain more profit. The product that we decided to re-brand was "BRUT". The way that we decided to re-brand this product in our group was by re-pitching each of our ideas and the whole group voted for which one they thought was the best. The current target audience of "BRUT" is older males and we decided to re-brand it to 16-35 year old females because we are trying to give women the confidence they need to do well in their profession. Our idea was to have a couple of women doing whatever it is that they do best and during the advert they will talk to the camera saying that "BRUT" gives them the confidence to do their certain profession.

The way that we collected out feedback was by making a survey and putting a bunch of questions on there about the advert and then the people that filled in the survey so that we could see how well we did when we were making the advert. It also showed us how well we executed the advert was and how well they reacted to it.

I think that we managed to make the advert for the appropriate target audience and I think that we got our message across. I hope that the advert will have an appropriate impact on them as it means that it will make them the best at what they do. We also made the people in our advert the age range that we were targeting so that there can be no confusion with who the target audience is.

Our advert did come out rather well but we didn't execute it the way we planned but it still ended up quite well. Originally we planned to have 3 or 4 people using the product and talking about how it makes them the best at what they do. We ended up having only two women selling the product in the advert.

We tried to get the "BRUT" bottle in at least two shots but we actually ended up getting it into more. that was the only thing that stayed the same between the cuts between the two people in our advert. When we were filming the ad we tried to have a lot of variation in our shots and I think we were successful by doing this. We used a sliding shot at the beginning as an establishing shot which I think worked really well. The way that we did it was by started by looking at the door and panning to look at Viv while she is doing science stuff. When we were editing we found the perfect music to go along with the actual advert. It worked really well as it was calm and collected and nothing in the advert is too outrageous.

I think that our advert does sell to the specific audience as we only have our target audience in the advert itself. We did this intentionally so that there would be no confusion with who the target audience actually is.

The persuasion techniques that we used were using the people in our advert to tell people how confident it made them feel. It also showed them doing what they do best so that it would make the viewer want to go out and get the product and be the best at what they do.

We were not very good at getting our message across because when I showed someone I know the advert they didn't understand what was being advertised. Our persuasion techniques that we tried to use was getting the viewers to understand how good "BRUT" can make you feel but it didn't turn out the best it could've.

I feel like the advert is very well filmed and it has some very professional looking shots. When we were making the advert I don't think that we offended everyone because we did not stereotype in the advert. We had one of the women acting as a scientist and the other was a dancer.

People said that are work had a lot of good camera movements and some people also like the close-ups that we had. Another thing that people liked was the end shot with the close-up of "BRUT". The thing that people said we could improve was the music and have the people in the advert to actually use the product. Some people said that they would prefer to see some other people talk about how the product helps them, just so there is more variation.

Considering some of the struggles that we had while filming I am actually quite happy with the final edit of our advert. Some things didn't go to plan because we had some trouble deciding when and where we were going to film. We did end up managing to sort it out by filming in college so that there was no travel issues. Overall the advert came out rather well but if I had to do anything differently I would make sure that we got all of the cast ready and that we had them ready to film on specific days. I would also make sure that we planned the whole thing a lot better just so that we couldn't run into any problems when we are filming and then we may come out with a much better advert. I think that I put a decent amount of ideas into the editing part of the production but I could of put a bit more into the rest of the production. I think that I did help when someone was struggling to do something meaning that we didn't get delayed in the process.

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