Monday 21 November 2016

The Pre-Production Process

We had to make a 90 second short film which was our type of media production for a web based competition called DepicT!. DepicT! is a website where you can  The way that we distributed the film was through YouTube on the East Norfolk Btec Media page. There are many different types of moving image media, for example, feature films, TV shows, adverts and GIFS. there are also many different way to distribute your film such as cinemas, Netflix, DVD, Blu-ray and many more. We had to make sure we id all the right things in the pre-production process as that was the part we were getting assessed on.

When making a film there are many things to think about in terms to pre-production, for example you have to think about the finance, Requirements etc. The first thing that I am going to be talking about is the finance. There a lot of ways to get your film funded I am going to talk about a few of them. A lot of small film makers will use crowdfunding, for example kick starter which is a website where you pitch your film in a short video telling people why they should fund your film. A n example of a famous person using kick starter is Zach Braff, he wanted to have full creative control over his film which he got and it was made and is called "I wish I was here". This is a very popular website as it has gotten a lot of peoples career up and running. some famous people will also use this as it means they get full creative control over the film so they can decide who is cast and where there film located. Another way of funding would be to get people to invest in it. Megan Ellison is a good example of someone that does this as she will give people the money to make heir film.

Another important part of pre-production while making a film is the requirements, these are the parts of the film that are really needed.the requirements that are needed to make a feature are cast, props, costumes, equipment and much more. The things that I had to obtain was the different equipment such as camera, tripod, slider and an SD card. The other things that I had to obtain were cast, crew, editing software and props/clothes. these things were very easy to get as we were very organized as we already knew who was going to be in the film. There was a few issues as we had to keep changing what time we were shooting but he actor didn't decide to leave, he just accepted things were not going to go the way we expected. The crew was also very easy to gather as it was everyone in our group and we all had different tasks. Me and Josh worked on on the camera whilst Toby was acting but as soon as it came to editing we all did our part and no one was left out. The way we got the equipment was that we got it from the colleges AV resource room. The actor that we used brought his own costume so we didn't need to worry about that.

Finding the personnel can be very difficult whilst making a feature film as some of the actors may audition and get the park but then decide to quit half way through production. A crew can be easy to come across but it might be difficult trying to get that works well for your film. The typical personnel for a low budget short is just a camera man who acts as the director. other people that work on short films would be the talent or actors,as the budget goes up the amount of roles also increases. If you work on a television programme you will see the different jobs, for example, you will still have the director and actors but you will also have people that work on sound, editing and lighting. If you work on live television there will be someone that talks to the presenter called the vision mixer which is the person that tells the presenter what camera to look at at everything else that he needs to know. There are many different roles in the film industry and the bigger budget you have the more people you can get to make your film better. Some of the jobs consist of aerial camera pilot, lighting technician and many many more.

When making our film we had to allocate people to a certain job and the way we did it was by finding out what everyone was best at and then letting them do that job so no one was out of their comfort zone. The roles that we performed in we had all done before because we did everything that we had done before with our continuity sequence. The role that I had when making this film was being the camera man, Josh did most of the work on the camera but I helped with the framing of all of the scenes to make them look more professional. Toby was one of the actors in our film and he did a very good job. We did had some other people in our film that weren't in our group. We had another actor who played the role of emiT and Josh's dad played Toby's dad in the film an they were really the only other people that we had.

When we were making our short film we had a deadline of four to five weeks. If you miss deadlines when making a feature film it means you will lose a lot of money as you will need to pay to hire the cameras and to keep all of the crew. The prices to hire a camera can vary from £35-£110 and that's just for one day. If you need to film a lot more that price is going to rack up and that means you are losing money. When we were making our film we met every deadline without fail.

The way you obtain the equipment for a feature film is by hiring or renting. You can get the equipment you need from facility houses, the closest one to us is in Norwich and that means if we wanted to make a low budget film we could just go to Norwich to get the equipment we need. The way we got the stuff we needed was by going to the AV resources room in college and hire it out.

When you make any kind of film you have to make a location recce which we did. You have to take pictures of the locations that you used. We only had do a recce for one place which was for a hut in Lowestoft. The reason we picked this location is because we needed a place that was quite isolated and the walls needed to be white and that was the perfect location. Also it wasn't very far from any of us so it was easy to get to.

There were some logistical issues that could have been a problem but we didn't actually come across any. One that could have been a problem is transport, as I had to travel the furthest there could a been a problem with me getting there but luckily I could get a lift to the location that we were shooting at.

We needed to have a fair amount of different materials, for example we needed props, script, graphics and sound effects. If you are making a feature film you are going to need that and more. The problem with a lot of these are that they can be very expensive, the props in in its self  could cost a lot of money an so could the costumes so you have to be careful with the amount of money you are spending because you do not want to go over budget.

There some legal issues you could run into when using different materials in your film. There is a possibility that you are using something that is copyrighted you didn't realize was copyrighted, even things like the happy birthday song are copyrighted. The reason people use copyright is so people can not use something they have created. This could've really affected out DepicT! production because we might of used music that was copyrighted and we didn't realize but we used all royalty free music but if we could use any music we could have had a very good atmosphere in our film. When making a film you need to make sure you have clearance on everything that is used in your film, That basically means get permission for everything used in the film. You also need public liability insurance so that when you are working in a property that belongs to someone else, if anything that gets broken will be paid for by that insurance and if someone gets injured that will also get paid for. There is also a completion guarantee which means you have to get the film completed in a certain amount of time and this just makes sure you do get it done in that time.

Regulation in film and TV. OFCOM is the UK's communication regulator, they regulate TV, radio, telecom and mobiles. They are all about communication  and they make sure that you are safe from scams. There is also the BBC who is regulated by Office of Fair Trading (OFT) and OFCOM. The BBC is covered by OFCOM's fairness policy. The BBFC are the regulators of film and video and they give the films a certificate, which are usually U, PG, 12, 15 or 18. If you distribute your content online you can get away with a lot, anything that is illegal in the UK will still be illegal online but it is just not enforced as much. Anything that is made on TV or videos on demand are covered by the EU's television without frontiers rules. I learnt that you can get away with quite a lot on the internet. None of the regulations really effected our DepicT! project.

A trade union is an organized group of workers in a trade to further their rights and interests. Trade unions are important as they negotiate with with employers for better terms and conditions of employment and healthy working conditions. They are also important as they can ensure more job security they also support legal support to workers when they face police actions and legal tangles. PACT is a formal agreement between individuals or parties. BECTU is a trade union in the UK that work in film, theatre, entertainment, leisure and interactive media. A trade association is run by businesses that operate in a specific industry, many associations are non-profit organizations.         

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