Monday 8 May 2017

Connotations of News Starting Sequence

TV news starting sequences have things in them that all of them have.

Firstly we often see rushing graphics or rushing camera movements. These connote the urgency in which they want to tell us the news that they have to cover. The fact that they are rushing shows that they would like us to know what is happening in the world as quickly as possible.

We also see transparent objects and eyes. This connotes that they are not going to hide anything from us and none of the news that we get shown has been changed in anyway shape or form.

Thirdly we see the world from space. This tells us that they are going to be sharing news from all over the Earth. So that we know what is happening in all places at all times.

Then we see the Landmarks from different cities. This lets us know that they are going to be sharing news from every place possible including cities in different countries.

They also show us clocks a lot. This is another thing to let us know how urgently they want to get us the news so that we are not missing out on anything.

Another thing that they show us is technology and satellites. This connotes the fact that they are using all types of technology to get us the news as fast as possible.

We also hear fast paced and beat driven music usually plaid by brass instruments. This also connotes urgency and also authority as the music is very loud and it grabs our attention.

There are usually male voice-overs. This again shows authority as we normally think about power when we hear an older male talk.

Finally we see metallic blues and strong reds. This shows the colours of the world of offices.

We usually have male news presenters as we normally are more likely to listen to what they have to say as we live in a sexist world and people may take them more seriously. The males are usually older and the females are younger. The newsreaders have to speak with received pronunciation so that they sound more serious. They also do not change the look on their face so that they do not give us their opinion.

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